Station list
LOCATION.--Lat 41�42'28", long 87�57'45", in NE¼SW¼ sec.10, T.37 N., R.11 E., Du Page County, Hydrologic Unit 07120004,
on concrete abutment on right bank, 50 ft upstream from bridge on Bluff Road at south edge of Argonne National Laboratory,
2.5 mi northeast of Lemont, and at mile 1.
DRAINAGE AREA.--13.0 mi2
PERIOD OF RECORD.--Annual maximum, water years 1961-79. December 1985 to current year
REVISED RECORDS.--WDR IL-77-1: 1961-76(M).
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 630.00 ft above sea level. Oct. 11, 1961, to Sept. 30, 1976,
crest-stage gage on bridge 50 ft downstream at datum 11.22 ft higher.
REMARKS.--Records good except those for Jan. 5 to Sept. 30, which are fair, and those for estimated daily discharges, which are
poor. Gage-height telemeter and recording rain gage at station.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 3,070 ft3/s, July 18, 1996, gage height 17.53 ft.